Over the course of four issues it escalates nicely, turning into a three-way conflict between Skaven, an Imperial army, and the undead.
It's written by former PC Gamer editor Kieron Gillen and has art by Dwayne Harris, who draws everyone so they look appropriately like miniatures on a tabletop in the mid-shots, though I'm not so sure about the effect in close-ups. The best of the Warhammer comics is Crown of Destruction, which also deals with Skaven. Written under his pseudonym Bruno Lee, it's another example of the way Warhammer contrasts grounded fantasy with the over-the-top variety-it begins with court politics and an investigation into a museum theft and climaxes with a gyrocopter battle in the sky. A standalone one to start with is Vermintide, which the games borrow their name from although they're not actually connected beyond both being about hordes of Skaven doing very bad things. If it's novels you want the author to look for is C L Werner, who has written more books about Skaven than is healthy. Good luck finding it at a decent price though, maybe check the library for that one. Written in-character as a scholarly text by an Imperial academic, it explains things like Skaven physiology and the differences between their various clans with plenty of fusty digressions and flavorsome art. The best place to start with Skaven is The Loathsome Ratmen and All Their Vile Kin by Mitchel Scanlon. Art from Warhammer: Crown of Destruction (Boom! Studios) If you like the Skaven, because who doesn't like cannibal rats?